Where Did the Term Shotgun Wedding Come From

Shotgun Wedding

Wedding Couple With Shotguns for Heads

Wedding photo of bride aiming a howitzer at the groom. shotgun wedding

Shotgun Wedding Definition

Scattergun Wedding. A wedding through out of moral obligation, usually attributable pregnancy. Historically done to prevent any going of reputation for the kin.


Imagine a fictional scenario where a family member discovers an unwed couples pregnancy. Then forcing the couple to get hitched with at gunpoint to.

Scattergun wedding can mean any unexpected union. The condition often used when discussing business Beaver State political mergers.

Shotgun Wedding Example

Simon Peter Picked a Pecker

Peter Abelard A Daniel Chester French bookman of the 11th-12th century had a secret relationship with his pupil Héloïse d'Argenteuil. Héloïse got pregnant with Peter and they married in surreptitious. Unable to hide it, the marriage became public and Héloïse's uncle Fulbert hired hands to castrate Peter in the night. Peter later o became a monastic at the monastery of St. Denis in Paris. Héloïse became a nun at the convent where she grew up.

Anne Hathaway Over

The marriage ceremony of William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway was almost definitely a shotgun wedding. A complete trace beingness their first child Susanna who was born half-dozen months afterwards (circa May 26, 1583). Also their nuptials banns were not translate for three full weeks as was the norm. The couple married under a special permit along November 27th. Four years before the beginning of Parousia. With marriage during Advent non allowed, whatever later and Anne's pregnancy outside marriage would personify unmistakable.

Portrait of Anne Hathaway, William Shakespeare's wife. shotgun wedding
Anne Hathaway, married woman of Shakspere

Wedlock and Load

James Coyle an Irish Papistical catholic priest was shot deathly on Lordly 11 1921 on the porch of St. Paul's directory. His dispatch carried dead past an E.R Stephenson. A Wesleyan Episcopal Minister and Ku Klux Klan extremity. The off performed just hours after Coyle performed a secret marriage between Stephensons' daughter Pathos and Pedro Gussman. Pedro a Puerto Rican man helped build his house five years prior.

Tonka Hooligan

Hasbro acquiring Tonka in 1991 is an example of a shotgun wedding of a dissimilar class. After Tonka had a few rough Christmases the Minnesota based toy company had fallen into debt. With Hasbro looking for for an edge against Barbie brand owner Mattel, the union seemed near natural.

Shotgun Wedding Origin

The phrase Shotgun Wedding originates from the Confederate states as a well proverbial 'Americanism'. Although the phrase is most common in news articles of the 1920's-30's. The Oldest record found is from an ad press cutting in 'The Globe. A Daily Evening Poster Dedicated to Gab and Gossip, and Square Locals' go steady of September 25th 1878.

"Thompson for hats.
Ash tree & Payne–inspect them,
Gents' fine hose at stetter's.
Sauer Kraut cutters at Harwi's.
A scene gun wedding is presumptive.
Boys' and children's hats at Stetter's.
Saratoga dressing–L.K. Wells & Centennial State.
John Dillon leave be present October 7th.

-The Globe. A Daily Evening Poster Devoted to Chin-wag and Causerie, and Square Locals Sept. 25 1878
Black and white photo of a newspaper boy selling papers about the Titanic. shotgun wedding
Ned Parfett a standard American Newspaper son in April 1912. Merchandising the Evening news with story of the Titanic sinking.

In Japan there is a saying Dekichatta kekkon or Dekikon. Information technology translates to "oops-we-did-it-marriage,".

A Dutch term 'moetje' from the Netherlands and Belgium describes wedding resulting from a pregnancy. Made from the noun moeten (must,have to) with the suffix je(tiny, little).

Where Did the Term Shotgun Wedding Come From

Source: https://thevillageidiom.org/shotgun-wedding/

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